
Our Footwear Industry leading retailer, faced inventory management challenges due to manual process, resulting in discrepancies and stockouts.


Manual inventory tracking led to errors, stockouts, and overstock situations.

Lack of real-time visibility into inventory levels hindered decision-making.

Time-consuming stock audits and reconciliation processes affected operational efficiency.

Disparate systems and manual processes across supply chain stages led to inefficiencies.

Lack of centralized data resulted in delays in production planning and order fulfillment.

Difficulty in tracking orders and communicating with suppliers impacted agility.


Our Footwear industry implemented RFID technology integrated with their inventory management system.

RFID tags were attached to each shoebox for unique identification.

RFID readers were installed at store entrances, exits, and shelves for real-time tracking.

Inventory data was automatically updated in the central system, providing accurate stock levels.

The ERP system integrated functions such as production planning, inventory management, and supplier communication.

Cloud-based infrastructure facilitated real-time data sharing and accessibility across departments and locations.


Real-time visibility improved inventory accuracy, reducing stockouts and overstock situations.

Automated processes reduced manual errors and saved time on audits and reconciliations.

Enhanced inventory management led to optimized stocking levels and improved customer satisfaction.

Real-time sales tracking

Centralized data and real-time visibility improved production planning and inventory management accuracy.

Streamlined communication with suppliers reduced lead times and ensured timely order fulfillment.

Enhanced supply chain visibility and agility improved responsiveness to market demands.